Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chemical Changes: Synthesis


As said in the video, a synthesis reaction is where "two or more substances combined to form a single product". A synthesis reaction is the formation of complex chemical compounds from simpler ones. Many substances that are important to daily life are obtained from synthesis. Chemists synthesise chemical compounds that occur in nature to gain better understanding of the structures. Synthesis also enables chemists to produce compounds that do not form naturally for research purposes.

Chemical compounds are made up of atoms of different elements, joined together by chemical bonds. A chemical synthesis usually involves the breaking of existing bonds and the formation of new ones. Synthesis of a complex molecule may involve a large number of individual reactions in sequence from available starting substances to the desired end product. Each step usually involves reaction at only one chemical bond in the molecule.

The reactions involved in chemical syntheses usually involve at least two different substances. However that may not always be the case. Some molecules will change into others solely under the effect of heat or exposure to radiation. When two or more different substances interact, they need to be brought into close proximity with one another. This is usually done by carrying out the syntheses with the elements or compounds in their liquid or gaseous states.

After defining synthesis, you may asked, how is synthesis important? Where is it used? Well, one of the most commonly known is photosynthesis. The following video will explain what is photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is an important biological process on earth. By taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen, it has transformed the world into the hospitable environment we know today. Directly or indirectly, photosynthesis fills our food requirements and many of our needs for fibre and building materials. The energy stored in petroleum, natural gas and coal all came from the sun via photosynthesis, as does the energy in firewood, which is a major fuel in parts of the world.

You see, synthesis is not as foreign to us as many will think. Synthesis is also used to mass produce many products in the industry. On my next post, I will be writing and sharing more knowledge on decomposition. Hold your thoughts until then.

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